What We Believe


What We Believe

Towne View is best described by our vision statement:

We are participating with God in creating a community of faith, hope, and love.


In creating a community of faith we will...
  • ...proclaim the Good News of God’s love expressed in and through Jesus Christ and invite others to join in the journey of faith
  • ...engage God’s people in worship that honors God and encourages participation, while incorporating the best of Christian tradition and newer expressions
  • ...pray fervently and be totally dependent upon God, making prayer a priority in our daily lives and in the body together
 In creating a community of hope we will...
  • ...equip those who have responded to the Good News of God’s love expressed in and through Jesus Christ for the journey of faith through appropriate life-stage opportunities for Bible study, discipleship, and fellowship
  • ...welcome all God’s people- believing that diversity is a gift to be celebrated
  • ...cultivate a spirit of gratitude and generosity
 In creating a community of love we will...
  • ...embody the Good News of God’s love expressed in and through Jesus Christ through acts of kindness and service
  • ...assist God’s people in discovering opportunities for personal mission, and in partnership with others in our community, state, nation, and around the world share the Good News of God’s love expressed in and through Jesus Christ
  • ...nurture relationships of respect, support, and compassion within the community of faith and with those in our neighborhood
We Will NoT...
  • ...limit our outreach to only those of one particular age, background, race, heritage, or socio- economic status. We believe the church should reach and reflect its community.
  • ...reduce worship to a Sunday morning circus side-show. We believe the worship of the church should be God-focused, reverent, and involve all God’s people.
  • ...concede to a corporate model of authoritarian pastor as CEO and deacons as “the board.” We believe in the priesthood of all believers and that servant leadership best reflects the model of Jesus.
  • ...subscribe to the notion that “the end justifies the means” in church growth. We believe that effective evangelism occurs when we faithfully live the Gospel, share the Gospel with integrity, and trust God’s Spirit to do what only God can do.
  • ...slavishly follow tradition; neither will we blindly follow every new thing that comes along. We believe we can be faithful to the best of what it means to be baptist and remain open to new ministries and partnerships.
  • ...sacrifice who we are in order to become what others expect us to be. We believe that people are more important than programs, that being true to the Bible is more important than being baptist, and that faithfulness in God’s sight is always more important that success in the eyes of man.

With the saints through all the ages and God’s people scattered around the world today we gladly proclaim “Jesus is Lord,” trust the Bible to be God’s true word and faithful guide for life, and commit ourselves to following Jesus in proclaiming the Good News and meeting the needs of those around us.